Gynecologic Surgery

There are several situations where patients may need or request surgery in the pelvic area. Dr. Brandon Lingenfelter, DO, PhD and Dr. Sam Snyder, DO are trained to perform any such surgery with careful attention.

If you have a gynecologic surgery, your doctor at Summit Women’s Health will be there with you every step of the way. We are always happy to answer all of your questions and make sure you feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process.

What kinds of gynecologic surgeries are there?

The major gynecologic surgeries are:

In the past, these surgeries were conducted by making incisions to the abdomen that almost always left scarring. However, there are now other ways to safely perform these procedures with fewer and smaller incisions.

What is the vNOTES method of gynecologic surgery?

vNOTES stands for “vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery.” That is a long way of saying: rather than cutting into the abdomen to access the uterus, your surgeon can use a special instrument to remove fibroids, cysts, and even the uterus all through the vagina.

This approach is not only less invasive, patients also report that the vNOTES method results in shorter hospital stays, less pain medication needed, less pain after the operation, and faster recovery times.

Why does Summit Women’s Health use the vNOTES method?

Summit Women’s Health uses vNOTES because we are committed to giving patients more and better care options. Anytime an updated approach to a procedure is safely tested and confirmed to improve the patient experience, you can be sure we will look into it.

How long does it take to recover from vNOTES surgery?

Recovery time is usually short when using the vNOTES method. Most patients stay in the hospital for 24 hours or less.

That said, your body will still be healing after leaving the hospital. It’s important to follow doctor’s recommendations during this time in order to minimize chances of complications. Patients are advised to avoid sex, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercise for six weeks after a gynecologic surgery. Most normal daily activities can resume after a week or two.

Is vNOTES a safe technique for surgery?

Yes, vNOTES is a safe surgical procedure that offers many potential benefits. Hospital stays after this procedure tend to be shorter, patients require less postoperative pain management, and most recover faster.

For more information about the specific process of undergoing a hysterectomy, come in to talk to your Summit Women’s Health provider. For more information about fibroid removal or endometrial ablation, visit our pages for Fibroids and Endometriosis.
To book an appointment at Summit Women’s Health in Princeton, West Virginia with Brandon M. Lingenfelter, DO, PhD; Megan Lingenfelter, PA; Sam Snyder, DO; or Valeah Bradshaw, NP, call us at 681 282 5591 or use our scheduling portal.


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